National Registry and the State of Missouri has set forth the EMS Continuing Education requirements to maintain certification and licensure. Below are both sets of requirements. If you maintain your National Registry of EMTs Certification you may submit it for state re-licensure but you have to complete both
We do occasionally have refresher courses for EMT and CEU courses for Paramedic. This are based on need and are not frequent.
Missouri State Requirements
You must relicense every 5 years. State requirements do not currently limit the amount of distance or distributive education that can be used.
EMT - 100 Hours Required
All 100 hours can be core hours
48 hours of core is mandatory with the remaining 52 hours as electives added under local/state and individual component
Airway/Respiration/Ventilation: 8 hours
Other Airway Related Topics
Cardiovascular: 12 hours
Post-Resuscitation Care
Ventricular Assist Devices
Cardiac Arrest
Pediatric Cardiac Arrest
Other Cardiovascular Related Topics
Trauma: 8 hours
Trauma Triage
Central Nervous System Injury
Hemorrhage Control
Other Trauma Related Topics
Medical: 12 hours
Special Healthcare Needs
Obstetric Emergencies
Infectious Diseases
Pain Management
Psychiatric and Behavioral
Toxicological Emergencies
Neurological Emergencies
Endocrine Emergencies
Immunological Emergencies
Other Medical Related Topics
Operations: 8 hours
At-Risk Populations
Ambulance Safety
Field Triage/Disasters/Mass Casualty Incident EMS Provider Safety/Hygiene
EMS Culture of Safety
Pediatric Transport
Crew Resource Management
EMS Research and Evidence Based Guidelines
Search and Rescue/Patient Rescue
Other Operation Related Topics
Local/State Component - 26 Hours
Individual Component - 26 Hours
Paramedic - 144 Hours Required
All 144 hours can be Core Hours
96 hours of Core is mandatory with the other 48 hours could be added under Local/State and Individual Component/Modules
Airway/Respiration/Ventilation: 12 hours
Other Airway Related Topics
Cardiovascular: 26 hours
Post-Resuscitation Care
Ventricular Assist Devices
Cardiac Arrest
Pediatric Cardiac Arrest
Other Cardiovascular Related Topics
Trauma: 12 hours
Trauma Triage
Central Nervous System Injury
Hemorrhage Control
Other Trauma Related Topics
Medical: 26 hours
Special Healthcare Needs
Obstetric Emergencies
Infectious Diseases
Pain Management
Psychiatric and Behavioral
Toxicological Emergencies
Neurological Emergencies
Endocrine Emergencies
Immunological Emergencies
Other Medical Related Topics
Operations: 20 hours
At-Risk Populations
Ambulance Safety
Field Triage/Disasters/Mass Casualty Incident
EMS Provider Safety/Hygiene
EMS Culture of Safety
Pediatric Transport
Crew Resource Management
EMS Research and Evidence Based Guidelines
Search and Rescue/Patient Rescue
Other Operation Related Topics
National Registry of EMTs
You must recertify every 2 years. Current NREMT guidelines are that all hours my be acquired through
EMT - 40 Hours Required
National Component: 20 Hours
The National Component requires EMTs to complete 20 hours of approved continuing education. A maximum of 7 hours of distributive education may be used to meet the 20 hour requirement. (*Distributive Education (DE) is a method of delivering EMS education where the educator and student are not able to interact in real time. Examples include online courses, journal article reviews, and videos.)
Airway/Respiration/Ventilation - 1.5 Hour
Trauma - 1.5 Hour
Trauma Triage
Central Nervous System (CNS) Injury
Hemorrhage Control
Medical - 6 Hours
Special Healthcare Needs
OB Emergencies
Infectious Diseases
Pain Management
Psychiatric and Behavioral Emergencies
Toxicological Emergencies – Opioids
Neurological Emergencies – Seizures
Endocrine Emergencies – Diabetes
Immunological Emergencies
Operations - 5 Hour
At-Risk Populations
Ambulance Safety
Field Triage—Disasters/MCIs
EMS Provider Hygiene, Safety, and Vaccinations
EMS Culture of Safety
Pediatric Transport
Crew Resource Management
EMS Research
Evidence Based Guidelines
Cardiovascular - 6 Hours
Post-Resuscitation Care
Ventricular Assist Devices
Cardiac Arrest
Pediatric Cardiac Arrest
Local or State Component: 10 Hours
If specific local and/or state are not specified, these required hours are considered flexible content. You may use any state or Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) approved EMS–related education to fulfill these requirements. A maximum of 7 hours of distributive education may be used to meet the 10 hour requirement. (*Distributive Education (DE) is a method of delivering EMS education where the educator and student are not able to interact in real time. Examples include online courses, journal article reviews, and videos.)
Individual Component: 10 Hours
The individual hours are considered flexible content. You may use any state or Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) approved EMS–related education to fulfill these requirements. A maximum of 10 hours of distributive education may be used to meet the 10 hour requirement. (*Distributive Education (DE) is a method of delivering EMS education where the educator and student are not able to interact in real time. Examples include online courses, journal article reviews, and videos.)
National Component: 30 Hours
The National Component requires Paramedics to complete 30 hours of approved continuing education. A maximum of 10 hours of distributive education may be used to meet the 30 hour requirement. (*Distributive Education (DE) is a method of delivering EMS education where the educator and student are not able to interact in real time. Examples include online courses, journal article reviews, and videos.)
Airway/Respiration/Ventilation - 3.5 Hours
Trauma - 3 Hours
Trauma Triage
Central Nervous System (CNS) Injury
Hemorrhage Control
Fluid Resuscitation
Medical - 8.5 Hours
Special Healthcare Needs
OB Emergencies
Infectious Diseases
Medication Delivery
Pain Management
Psychiatric and Behavioral Emergencies
Toxicological Emergencies - Opioids
Neurological Emergencies - Seizures
Endocrine Emergencies - Diabetes
Immunological Emergencies
Operations - 6.5 Hours
At-Risk Populations
Ambulance Safety
Field Triage—Disasters/MCIs
EMS Provider Hygiene, Safety, and Vaccinations
EMS Culture of Safety
Pediatric Transport
Crew Resource Management
EMS Research
Evidence Based Guidelines
Cardiovascular - 8.5 Hours
Post-Resuscitation Care
Ventricular Assist Devices
Cardiac Arrest
Pediatric Cardiac Arrest
Congestive Heart Failure
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Local or State Component: 15 Hours
If specific local and/or state requirements are not specified, these required hours are considered flexible content. You may use any state or Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) approved EMS–related education to fulfill these requirements. A maximum of 10 hours of distributive education may be used to meet the 15 hour requirement. (*Distributive Education (DE) is a method of delivering EMS education where the educator and student are not able to interact in real time. Examples include online courses, journal article reviews, and videos.)
Individual Component: 15 Hours
The individual hours are considered flexible content. You may use any state or Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) approved EMS–related education to fulfill these requirements. A maximum of 15 hours of distributive education may be used to meet the 15 hour requirement. (*Distributive Education (DE) is a method of delivering EMS education where the educator and student are not able to interact in real time. Examples include online courses, journal article reviews, and videos.)